Psoriasis Page

Psoriasis is a chronic, genetic, noncontagious skin disorder that appears in many different forms and can affect any part of the body, including the nails and scalp. Psoriasis is categorized as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the percentage of body surface involved and the impact on the sufferer's quality of life.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

What is Psoriasis-Ltd?

Psoriasis-Ltd III is not a cream, a lotion, a spray or even a pill. Treatment options for psoriasis have come a long way. A team of Psoriasis Treatment Researchers with 32 years of combined research experience developed Psoriasis-Ltd. Psoriasis-Ltd was first marketed in 2001, and its parent company, Bass & Boney, Inc. has been in business since 1983. Psoriasis-Ltd has medical patents throughout the world.

Research indicates that up to 10% of psoriasis sufferers may experience ocular symptoms. It is rare to have symptoms of ocular involvement prior to skin involvement of psoriasis. Ocular psoriasis treatment is aimed at preventing irritation and controlling inflammation.

Monday, October 01, 2012

The Healing Properties of Sodium Chloride

The use of salt as a healing ingredient appears in some of the oldest medical scripts. The ancient Egyptians refer to the use of salt for the treatment of an infected chest wound. The belief was that salt would dry out and disinfect the wound. The ancient Egyptians had many salt formulations for making laxatives and anti-infection methods using salt. Salt-based remedies were also used for callous skin, epidemic diseases, to check bleeding, as an eye ointment, and to accelerate childbirth.

Both sea salt and rock salt were well known to the ancient Greeks who noted that eating salty food affected basic body functions such as digestion and excretion (urine and stools). This led to salt being used medically. The healing methods of Hippocrates (460 BC) especially made frequent use of salt. Salt-based remedies were thought to have expectorant powers. Salt-water was used externally against skin diseases and freckles. Hippocrates also mentions inhalation of steam from salt-water. We know today that the anti-inflammatory effects of inhaled salt provide relief from respiratory symptoms. Thus, 2000 years ago, Greek medicine had already discovered topical use of salt for skin lesions, drinking salty or mineralized waters for digestive troubles and inhaling salt for respiratory diseases!

The Greek doctor Galen from Pergamon (129–200 A.D made use of salt (sea salt, rock salt, salt foam) in recipes against many diseases: infectious wounds, skin diseases, callosities, digestive troubles. His list of salt-containing remedies also included emetics and laxatives.

The School of Salerno (11th -13th Century A.D.) mentions the use of Powdered and roasted salt was said to have a pain-killing effect and rock salt was considered to be a good remedy against fever.

The doctor and alchemist Paracelsus (1493–1541 A.D.) believed that Only salted food could be digested properly: "The human being must have salt, he cannot be without salt. Where there is no salt, nothing will remain, but everything will tend to rot." He recommended salt water for the treatment of wounds and for use against intestinal worms. A hip-bath in salt water was a superb remedy for skin diseases and itching: "This brine - he said - is better than all the health spas arising out of nature." He described the diuretic effect of salt consumption and prescribed salt preparations of different strengths that were used for instance against constipation.

The pharmacists of the 19th century recommended external application in cases of rash and swelling and, in ophthalmology, to drive off stains and stain-obscurations of the cornea.

In 1860, in eastern Bavaria, a sodium chloride solution was used as a compress against inflammation. Further west, inflammations of the belly button of children were washed with salt water. Warts were removed by spreading the juice of a snail that had been sprinkled with salt. Hot foot-baths containing salt and ashes were used to alleviate headaches. Burns were treated with brandy, vinegar or salt water.
Our journey through history has revealed that the antiseptic action of salt on the skin and mucous membranes has been known for a very long time. Scientific studies have now confirmed the effectiveness of salt therapy in several indications. The antiseptic and bactericidal qualities of dental salt (sea salt) help remove plaque, which is a cause of gingivitis and cavities. Salt is being increasingly used as support treatment for skin diseases. Chronically inflamed skin is treated with medical bath salt from the Dead Sea or table salt. The salt peels off dandruff, reduces inflammation, itching and pain, and helps regenerate the skin. Salt-baths are frequently used to treat psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, chronic eczema as well as arthritis.

Salt can be used as an additive especially in body care products (ointments, shampoos, gels, washes and body lotions). According to modern scientific research, salt does indeed have weak disinfectant properties when applied topically.

Salt is considered to be particularly useful in chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis.

Medicinal use tended to emphasize the positive aspects of salt, e.g. prevention of putrefaction, reduction of tissue swelling, treatment of diarrhea. Evidence was also available to ancient peoples of its relationship to fertility, particularly in domestic animals. The history of salt thus represents a unique example for studying the impact of a widely used dietary substance on different important aspects of man's life, including medical philosophy.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Rising Cost of Psoriasis Treatment

If you’re lucky enough to have insurance these days, you think you have it made. Go to the doctor, pay the co-pay, get your prescription and head for the pharmacy. It’s like sticker shock when you buy a new car. The cost of your co-pay keeps going up, from one month to the next you never know what you may be expected to pay. And for those on Medicaid, you switch to a generic to save money only to find the next month that the generic costs as much as the brand name did last month.

This leaves you wondering if there is a psoriasis treatment you can afford. Psoriasis-Ltd offers you a twelve-month supply for one flat rate, no month-to-month increases. The only thing that changes is the condition of your skin.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis gets its name from the Greek word psora meaning "itch". Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious condition characterized by inflamed lesions covered with silvery-white scabs of dead skin. As a result, itchy, scaly red patches appear, often on the elbows, hands, feet, and scalp, but they can show up on other parts of your body. Because the body can't shed old skin as rapidly as new cells are rising to the surface, raised patches of dead skin develop on the arms, back, chest, elbows, legs, nails, folds between the buttocks, and scalp.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Treatment of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is defined as a persistent skin condition characterized by red, thickened areas of skin and abundant silvery scaling. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition caused by overactive white blood cells, which concentrate in the skin and cause the skin cells to grow too rapidly. This rapid growth shows on the surface as a red, scaly rash.

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder affecting two out of every 100 Americans (4 to 5 million people). A person of any race or age can develop psoriasis, but most patients develop it between the ages of 15 and 35.

For some, psoriasis may be as slight as a dry patch of skin on their elbows and knees while others can have most of their body surface covered.

Although there is no cure for psoriasis, there are several good treatments - one such effective treatment is Psoriasis-Ltd.
Other treatments include:
For mild cases prescription creams and lotions containing cortisone, calcipotriene, retinoic acid or salicylic acid can be helpful.
There are several systemic psoriasis treatments (shots and pills) which suppress the overactive white blood cells causing the disease.
In addition, ultraviolet light therapy under the direction of a dermatologist can be very effective treatment. Treatments are tailored to meet the needs of individual patients.
In the case of many treatments, one must decide of the side effects are worth the possible results. Psoriasis-Ltd, a blend of all natural minerals, has no negative side effects.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Understanding the Cause of Psoriasis

Researchers believe the immune system sends faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle in skin cells. Certain people carry genes that make them more likely to develop psoriasis, but not everyone with these genes develops psoriasis. Instead, a "trigger" makes the psoriasis appear in those who have these genes. Also, some triggers may work together to cause an outbreak of psoriasis; this makes it difficult to identify individual factors.Possible psoriasis triggers include: emotional stress; injury to the skin; some types of infection; reaction to certain drugs. Once the disease is triggered, the skin cells pile up on the surface of the body faster than normal. In people without psoriasis, skin cells mature and are shed about every 28 days. In psoriatic skin, the skin cells move rapidly up to the surface of the skin over three to six days. The body can't shed the skin cells fast enough and this process results in patches also called "lesions" forming on the skin's surface.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rising Cost of Psoriasis Treatment

According to the Archives of Dermatology, 'findings suggest that expenses for systemic psoriasis therapy appear to be increasing at a faster rate than inflation, and newer biologically derived treatments are more expensive than traditional systemic therapies, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects an estimated 4.5 million to 7.5 million Americans, costing the health care industry approximately more than $3 billion annually, according to background information in the article. The severity of the disease varies, as do the therapies—some patients with mild, localized disease can use creams or other topical agents, whereas those with more extensive disease typically require phototherapy (exposure to ultraviolet light) or systemic therapies (substances that travel through the bloodstream, such as oral medications).'

One cost effective solution may be Psoriasis-Ltd. Psoriasis-Ltd III costs $88.00 which includes taxes and air postage throughout the world. Their guarantee is for four months or 120 days and our product lasts 12 months for the average person. The cost of Psoriasis-Ltd III is very inexpensive in comparison to the annual cost of most other treatment even with insurance.

Psoriasis-Ltd is a blend of soothing, beneficial ingredients specially formulated to improve the appearance of psoriasis and skin related conditions. Patients have seen an excellent improvement in the appearance of their skin condition after stopping their previous psoriasis treatments and starting the application of Psoriasis-Ltd III. We are now in our seventh successful year of serving patients throughout the world. Over 98% of those using Psoriasis-Ltd III receive the satisfaction that they had been dreaming of for many years. Psoriasis-Ltd III does not stain clothes or bedding, does not smell, and dries invisibly on the skin in less than 20 seconds.

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